Friday, October 30, 2009


The other day my lovely husband told me that he wished I didn't have fibromyalgia.

It was a really nice thing to say, but since then I've been thinking about it myself, and I'm not sure that I've ever wished the same.
Of course it sucks bigtime to have pain and fibro-fog and a million random symptoms that come with this awful condition, but it is what it is.
If I wished it away, I would be in denial of my reality I think. It's better for me to accept and deal with and try to manage it rather than trying to 'magic' it away.
That's not to say that I wouldn't love to wake up in the morning and be cured - who wouldn't? But unfortunately that's very unlikely so instead I think I will carry on doing research, learning about fibromyalgia and using what I know to help myself.

Besides, if I wished that my life were different, I would be denying myself all of the great things/people that are in my life now. Since being diagnosed, I have met some wonderful, knowledgeable and supportive people online who share my 'fibro predicament' and I have become extremely self-aware and strong-willed, because I have to be. I also have wonderful family and friends, and the best husband in the world! I'm sure that this would have been the case regardless of my fibro, but this way I am reminded of it every single day.

Despite everything, I have decided that although I would love to be cured, I do not spend my days wishing that my life was different because almost everything else about it is pretty great :o)

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